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    Kia Kima Alumni Association


The Kia Kima Alumni Association is an independent nonprofit and all finances and donations are handled solely by the Board of Directors. This means you can rest assured that your donations are going straight solely to supporting our mission statement: to reconnect alumni with Kia Kima; to support Kia Kima Scout Reservation and its staff; and to promote the Scouting program.

The Association's is a registered 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. All donations made are tax deductible.

What are donations used for?

Donations primarily go towards projects at Kia Kima Scout Reservation that have been identified by the Association.  Some project examples include repairing program facilities, building small structures at camp, and more. Funds from donations may also be used to host KKAA events such as reunion and service weekends. If you wish to include special instructions along with your donation, please contact our Board of Directors.

How to Donate

Donations made be made through the mail or online. If you wish to give on a recurring basis (such as monthly or yearly) please select it below. If you mail checks, please be sure to mark the check as a Donation in the Memo section and include your contact information so that we can send you confirmation of receipt.

Mail checks to:
PO Box 342855
Memphis, TN 38184

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*Amount ($USD)
Please include what you would like the plaque to say in the comments.
 Payment frequency

The Kia Kima Alumni Association is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation in the State of Arkansas. EIN: 47-2796543
PO Box 342855
Memphis, TN 38184

© 2019 Alumni Association. All Rights Reserved.

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