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    Kia Kima Alumni Association

Board of Directors

The Executive Board of the Association is composed of nine elected members, each serves a three-year term, along with two camp staff liaisons. Three new members are elected each year by the dues paid members of the Alumni Association.

Elected Directors (2022-2024)

Ryan Cooper – Ryan is the Director of Information Technology at Nesvick Trading Group. An Eagle Scout and Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow, Ryan served on KKSR Staph (1996-2004) in various positions including Camp Cherokee Program Director, Camp Osage Program Director, and COPE Director.  Ryan currently serves as Chickasaw Council Vice President of Membership. Ryan is a former Ahoalan-Nachpikin Lodge Chief and recipient of the OA Founder's Award, Silver Thunderbird Award, KKAA Service Award, and the KKAA Distinguished Alumni Award.

Michael Downs – Michael has previously served on the board of KKAA in support of our membership efforts as the Membership Chairman. Michael worked on Kia Kima Staff (2002-2006, 2008-2012), including three years as the Waterfront Director. Michael has been instrumental in the marketing of the organization and the expansion of our member database. Michael is a recipient of the KKAA Silver Thunderbird Award. Michael is a commercial pilot with FedEx.

Ron Edmonds – Chickasaw Council Board member and Council Scouter, Ron was largely responsible for the resurgence of Kia Kima in the early 90’s and the 75th anniversary.  He has previously served as Eastern District Chairman and Council Camping chairman. He is well versed in the history of Kia Kima and has prior board leadership. He is also a Trustee of the Ernest Thompson Seton Foundation. Ron was the 2020 recipient of the KKAA Distinguished Alumni Award. Ron is a CPA by training and owns his own consulting business working with green companies.

Elected Directors (2023 - 2025)

Mike Haskins  Mike has been involved in Scouting for the entirety of his life.  He is an Eagle Scout of the former Troop 77 in Senatobia, MS and was heavily involved in the Ahoalan Nachpikin Order of the Arrow lodge, where he served as Lodge Chief in 2011 and on several lodge and section-level committees.  He is a Vigil Honor member and a James E. West fellow. Mike worked 15 consecutive summers at Kia Kima Scout Reservation between 2007 and 2021 in a number of roles including Trading Post staff, Manager, and Business Manager, and can still be found in the administration building most weekends in the summer. He has served on various committees of the Kia Kima Alumni Association and continues to volunteer to help camp whenever possible. Mike earned a Bachelor's degree in Marketing from the University of Mississippi and currently works as an advertising sales executive and marketing strategist in Oxford, MS. 

Martez Moore, CFRE – Martez has been a professional Scouter since 2002 when he joined the Middle Tennessee Council in Nashville as a para-professional Neighborhood Executive. Since then he has risen through the ranks as a District Executive, Sr DE, Field Director and Director of Field Services. In 2014 Martez moved to the BSA National Headquarters to serve as a Learning & Delivery Specialist for Scouting University where he later became Training Manager. In 2020, he was promoted to Director of Field services of the St Louis Area Council. Martez is also a proud veteran of the United States Marine Corps and was deployed to Fallujah Iraq in 2004. As a youth Martez served on the KKSR Staff at camp Cherokee from 1994-1996 at Scoutcraft and COPE. He is an Eagle Scout, Vigil Honor member and Wood Badge trained. Moore and his wife Twana have two sons. One is an Eagle Scout, and the other is on his way to achieving the rank as well.

Brad Stevens – Brad is a Lab Supervisor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, TN. He is an Eagle Scout, Vigil Honor member, recipient of the Order of the Arrow Founder’s Award, and was the first lodge chief of the Ahoalan-Nachpikin Lodge. Following in his father Richard Stevens footsteps, (KKSR staff from the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s), Brad served on the Kia Kima Staff from 1992-1996 as Cherokee Scoutcraft staff, Cherokee and Osage Handicraft Director, Osage Nature staff and Osage Nature director. Brad has served as District Commissioner for the Twin Banks District. He currently serves as Camping chair for the Eastern District and Ceremonies Adviser for the Ahoalan-Nachpikin Lodge. Brad and his wife, Marnie, live in Collierville and have 3 children.

Elected Directors (2024 - 2026)

Chuck Barber – Chuck Barber was introduced to Scouting when a Pack visited his class in 2nd grade. He enthusiastically joined Pack 200 out of St Stephens United Methodist Church in Memphis and never looked back. After earning his Arrow of Light, Chuck crossed the bridge and became a Scout in Troop 200. As a Scout, Chuck held various leadership positions, became a member of the Order of the Arrow and earned the rank of Eagle Scout. In 1993 Chuck attended the National Scout Jamboree and worked his first summer on the staff at Kia Kima Scout Reservation. While a youth member of the Order of the Arrow, Chuck was one of the founders of the Ahoalan Nachpikin Lodge after the merger of the Delta Area and Chickasaw Councils. He served several years as a Lodge Officer including Lodge Chief in 1998 and was elected Section Secretary. He became a Vigil Honor member and received the OA Founder’s Award. Chuck served on the Kia Kima Staff for 9 summers in several areas including Camp Cherokee Program Director in 2001. He has returned every summer since 1993 to assist with work crews and fill in where needed. In 2014, Chuck helped to establish the Kia Kima Alumni Association to support the camp, its staff and campers. He served 2 years as Treasurer and 3 terms as President of the organization and is currently Activities Chair. Chuck earned the KKAA Service Award and was honored with the organization’s Silver Thunderbird and Distinguished Alumni Awards. Currently, Chuck serves on the Chickasaw Council Executive Board and Volunteers with the Eastern District. Outside of Scouting, Chuck is very active with the Blues Foundation where he has worked several years as a Venue Coordinatior/Emcee of the International Blues Challenge and as an Artist Wrangler at the Blues Music Awards. He received the Blues Foundation’s Volunteer of the Year award in 2007.  Last year, Chuck was named Colonel Aide de Camp by the governor of Tennessee. Professionally, Chuck has worked in Wireless Telecommunications for nearly 20 years. He is currently a Strategic Account Manager for T-Mobile where he is responsible for the company’s relationships with FedEx and Ceva Logistics. He also serves on T-Mobile’s Social Media and Diversity & Inclusion committees and is very active with T-Mobile’s Charitable Foundation.

George Clarke  Eagle Scout, Vigil Honor Order of the Arrow, District Award of Merit recipient, Silver Beaver recipient. Past Scoutmaster and current Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 34, Memphis TN. First attended KKSR as a Scout in 1967. KKSR staff 1972-1980 (WFD 1977-1980). Continue to attend as adult leader for Troop 34. 57 consecutive years in 2023. Active member of St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, serving on Vestry and as Treasurer. Finance Committee Chair for Harbor Town Community Association. Member Board of Trustees, The University of the South, Sewanee TN. Retired in 2021 after 42 years in the insurance industry.

Jeff Hodge –  Jeff is a native of the Raleigh/ Bartlett, TN, area with extensive ties to Scouting. He graduated from Craigmont High School and earned his bachelor's degree in criminal justice from Bethel University. As a young Scouter, Jeff worked on staff at Kia Kima Scout Reservation from 1989-1994. In 2015, he retired from a career in law enforcement and immediately capitalized on the opportunity to return to his love of working summers at Kia Kima. This experience sparked a renewed interest in Scouting and the idea of pursuing a career as a professional, serving as the Wolf River District Executive with the Chickasaw Council until spring of 2023. Jeff is currently the General Manager at Villa Castrioti in Cordova, TN, and lives with his wife and three children, all of whom can be seen helping at KKSR whenever they get the chance, including working on staff in the summer.

Camp Staff Liaisons (2023)

KKSR Reservation Director, Haley Baird -  Haley Baird is the Chickasaw Council Program Director, overseeing camp operations and council programs. Haley is responsible for summer camp, cub resident camp, Order of the Arrow and Council Programs. Scouting has been a significant part of her life since she was eighteen and first joined Venture Crew 334. She has stayed an active member of her crew throughout college and became an adult leader once she turned 21. Haley has a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Memphis and a Master of Business Administration from Mississippi State University. She enjoys gardening and backpacking in her spare time.

James Smythe - James Smythe is currently serving as the Camp Osage Program Director. For the past several years, he has served as the Camp Osage Technology Center Director and can always be found enthusiastically leading Scouts, campers and staphers alike!


The Officers of the Association are elected by the Board of Directors annually for a one year term.

President Ryan Cooper (

Secretary Michael Downs (

Treasurer Brad Stevens (

The Kia Kima Alumni Association is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation in the State of Arkansas. EIN: 47-2796543
PO Box 342855
Memphis, TN 38184

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